Empowering OUR TEENS to achieve.

Supporting. Encouraging. Guiding.

Blooming is manifesting into one’s own potential. It signifies growth and maturity. Butterflies have stages of transformation that leads to a beautiful masterpiece.

Blooming Butterflies represents maturity, healthy wholeness, healing, knowledge, and hope.

Services Offered

Education is essential to growing in any area or expertise. We will work with professional counselors, educators, life coaches, and community leaders to ensure that our young mothers have access to all the necessary education and knowledge to achieve their goals even after pregnancy. We will create an environment for them to learn and grow spiritually, physically, and mentally to be the best version of themselves for their child.

Support for Communities

Growth happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond the Maternity Home to help ensure the community has the necessary support to do their best learning and growing.

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity”

- 1 Corinthians 13:13


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

