Make a Difference

Blooming Butterflies Maternity Home is a new 501C3 organization that provides shelter

and resources to displaced, expecting teen mothers. By providing new mothers with the

necessary fundamentals and tools needed to become self-sufficient; we help to ensure

they are living healthy lifestyles for those we serve both during and post pregnancy.

According to the CDC, Louisiana is the 7th state in the United States with the most

teenage pregnancies with a birth rate of 3.75 per 1000 teens aged 15 to 19. The rate has

gone down since 2014 where Louisiana was the 5th highest state with the most teenage

pregnancies. Research has shown there are not enough teenagers accessing pre-natal

care early enough, which is resulting in death due to pregnancy complications and

premature births.

As we continue searching for a new home, we are asking for sponsorships that would

provide finances and resources that will guarantee the best place for those we serve.

Currently, this is the most important need for our organization. Our desire is to partner

with other companies, organizations, and churches that share the same vision as we do

for our community. We are asking for your assistance by partnering with us to help those

who have been displaced find hope and create opportunities that will help them to

bloom into what they have been called to be.

We can only hope that you will support our mission and help us find an ideal home. If you

would like to partner with us or provide a monetary donation, please contact us by email


Thank you in advance for your support


Blooming Butterflies
